Yoga Poses For Better Sleep

This is inspired by a “sleeping yoga” They asked what are some of my suggested bed time poses and this is what I came up with! I’m sure all you lovely readers out there could benefit from this poses as well. I’m a big bedtime person (getting in bed is one of my favorite parts of the day…some days I’ll work in bed, no joke) so here are some asanas you can do RIGHT in the comfort of your bed. You can literally do the asanas and go right to sleep. Talk about the best savasana ever! ;-P


Legs Up The Wall pose (Viparita Karani)

When getting into this position, Keep your spine flat and straight and your hips at a 90° angle. Shoulder blades should be hugging the ribs and down away from the ears. While it’s definitely comfy on a bed, it’s not necessary. Feel free to do any of these on the floor


Half Lord of the Fishes (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Start out with your legs straight out in front of you. Take your left foot bringing it over your right leg to have the outside edge of your left foot being flush against the outside of your right thigh, your sole being flat to the ground. Bend your right knee, bringing your right foot to the outside of your left hip; the outside edge of your right foot being flush to the ground. Place your left hand behind your sacrum, straightening your arm to make an extra support for your spine. Inhale your right arm up reaching for the sky, exhaling bending your elbow stabilize it to the outer edge of your left knee. You can keep your right arm bent with open palm or you can straighten with fingers in om. On your inhale remember to lengthen Don’t forget your other side!


Supine Pigeon Pose (Supta Kapotasana)

Lying flat on your back, bend your left knee laying your left ankle right above your right knee to make a figure 4 with your legs. Keeping your left foot flexed, bend your right knee bringing your left foot closer to your body, lacing fingers behind the right thigh. Prop your left elbow against your inner left knee to keep the 90° angle at your left foot/right thigh. Pull your arms in closer. You should feel a stretch in your hips and glutes. Repeat on the other side.


Reclining Open-Leg Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

My legs aren’t open like the name says, but that’s ok; this is another variation of the pose. Once again lying on your back, bend both knees, feet flush to the ground. Lift your hips and bring them slightly to the right. Bring knees to chest, slowly rolling them to the left. Once flush to the ground, adjust your hips and knees to be at 90° angle, bring arms out to a “T” and turn your head to face the right. Breathe deeply and repeat on the other side.

Reclining Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana)

If you have a belt or yoga strap I highly suggest you get it for this one and put a big loop in it! Lying completely flat on your back, bend your right knee bringing it to your chest. from the inside of you right leg, loop the belt or strap onto your foot. Keeping your scapulas (shoulder blades) flat to the ground, straighten your leg keeping a microbend in the knee, right arm straight and right hand keeping the belt/strap taut. On an exhale, lower your right leg slowly as far to the right as your body is allowing this evening. Inhale it back to center switching hands, exhale it slowly to the left. Inhale back to center and do the other side (feel free to hold any position that is comfortable for you).

Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

This one is simple yet one of my favourites. Sitting upright with (micro-bent) legs out in front of you, inhale arms up reaching for the sky. On your exhale, keeping a straight back, slowly begin to hinge at the hips. Go as far as your body will allow for today before relaxing your back and bending into a deeper fold.

The great thing about these poses is they’re good at just about any time. Night time works but so does morning time as well! Feel free to use these when it works best for you.

A well spent day brings happy sleep ~ Leonardo da Vinci