Do you have habit of delaying or postponing tasks at work? or Even at home, shopping, when with friends. Postponing your task and getting it delaying Intentionally is a serious issues and harm you in your business.


Defeat the Fears that Affect Procrastination


On its origin, procrastination is virtually constructed on some sort of fear. However, to find out how to defeat that fear is the fundamental point to unprocrastination, over the period of time.

If you make the fixes on time, it’s good otherwise the fears continue to unrelieved. This will going to follow you and will influence you to delay things despite your best concerns to control it.

Delay3So the question arises how you can defeat the fear? The main reason behind fear to be so powerful is it remains hidden in the dark without being noticed in the depths of our minds, it mostly works without letting us informed about it. Therefore the first step is to put some light on it because “fear” didn’t like light beam. Here the meaning of light is our attention, how we explore and investigate the fears, how we closely look at them so that we can find out about them: Are they rational or unsubstantiated / imaginary ?

It is the instinct spot when we shed light on our fears, we can defeat them with the power of information. Take an example, when people are afraid of getting fail in any walk of life, you should check it by testing it on small parameters first and see what happens. If you tried and you don’t fail than its information.. because you now know that at least with a minuscule test you won’t be fail. You have to repeat the case of testing because it will provide you with handful of information that is conflicting with the fear, defeating the fear because now you are aware of the fact that with positive vibes and certainty these fears are baseless.

Shed the light on the fear, conduct the small tests and try to control it with the power of information.

First aspects some of the fears first that make procrastination work, and then we will talk about the factors that will help in shining the light on fears.

The Number of Procrastination Fears

There are a number of fears that cause procrastination, including but not limited to the following:

  • The foremost fear is that you will fail or you perform badly.
  • The second most significant fear is the Fear of Unknown – It means the task is not for you and you don’t know what to do or you might even don’t know where to start it.
  • Another one is Fear of Uncomfortable. As we all know it is easy to perform tasks we are comfortable with, but doing new tasks or things is uncomfortable and we put them aside or put off most of the time.
  • Fear to get the start from the incorrect path. People do not get the start just because they are confused as if they are not starting in correct way.

The above mentioned fears are all obvious and are related, these can be combined together as “Fear of Failure” or “They are not good”.

Now let’s have a look on aspects that can help in controlling these fears.

Spread the light

Fear works at the background (subconscious mind) – similar to computer background process, hidden to the common user. Unfortunately, we all are aware of the fact that fear is performing in the background, loitering in the dark and is depriving us; it has excessive powers that are surpassing us.

You cannot fight with it or you can’t beat it until and unless you are not aware that it is there.

Therefore, the foremost step is to take a pause and shed some light over the dawdling fear. Don’t avoid this at all. Have an instinct look at the fear and always be honest with yourself:

Ask yourself a question why you are ignoring this particular task? What are you scared of?


If you think that you don’t know, then just ask yourself: Are you afraid of getting fail or afraid of performing badly or you are not good at working on it? Are you frightened of not being competent enough in completing specific tasks?

Obviously, if you are honest with yourself than you will answered it “Yes”. But if you are still not sure of it then it’s OK – you might not be efficient enough in categorizing / understanding your fears right now, and that’s perfectly acceptable reason. You can pretend it as a part of these fears, and you can investigate or explore your fears more often so this will allow you to recognize fears soon.

Now you can ask yourself: Is there any purpose or a reason you think will let you feel you will perform badly or you will fail, or you are not efficient enough to handle it? Did you fail in performing such sorts of tasks a lot previously? Or in general you fail or perform poorly in particular type of things.

It is conceivable that fear is baseless, and you generally do well on such tasks or on things in common. In this case, it is undoubtedly based on some incident in the past like your childhood, where you were not able to do it comfortably and there was a bad experience. This particular incident has created a fear at the back or in the depth of your mind that is still functioning today; even if you are performing things poorly today possibly would not have the same circumstances as fears are irrational in nature.

There might be another reason of failing or poorly executing tasks as you are not aware of how to do that particular tasks. In that case do you think it is rational to set a side such tasks or put them off or you can combat them by enhancing your information and training, and practicing them? Take the coherent path – don’t let fear to combat you, even if it has some roots in reality, resist you from executing.

Execute Small Tests Run

How you will find about the fear is it rational or it is not? You can find out by only one mean that is “Test It”. Execute small test first, complete small tasks or if you started your small business and being afraid of sales call do it what it take and “see” what is going to happen.

Read: The power of Introduction

Was that procedure horrifying?

The small test would most likely to give you informative results, but you still won’t trust that the fear you hold is unsubstantiated. Therefore again operate a small test, then another and perform it multiple times. By performing such tests repeatedly, you are not endangering anything which is bad, and this will permit you to get results.

Now the question arises that how you will execute small tests? You can do some exercise that require performing 5 to 10 minutes of a scary task, do mock drills that let you practising the basic skill of a group of skills that you are unaware of, or performing a very easy task, non-public project that does not need high skills before undertaking a similar but difficult or more public project.

Conquest with Information

Once you execute some specific small tests, you now have handful information that you never had before. Previously, you were frightened of bad results but were unaware whether those bad results would occur or not. Now, you can speak with more certainty whether such bad results are likely to demonstrate or not.

Now say you were afraid of failure or looking depraved at a task, however you performed small tests and it revolved as fine each time. At the moment, you can speak, “Well, It is less likely that I will fail and I did not fail other times … may be the fear is not grounded in actual or isn’t it being very rational”.

You can apply this particular rational approach in defeating your fear or at least mitigating it to certain level so that it won’t act on you badly. It’s irrational and doesn’t make ample sense, and if you stare at things rationally you will find out that. With the help of this approach you will gradually let your fear lose its power.

Well, it will take a little time in combating the fear with the help of light beams, executing small tests, getting information and use of rational approach in finally throwing it out … but I it is a valuable effort. We permit fear to act upon us rigidly that causes us to procrastinate. Let’s take the control back and defeat you fear rationally.

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