A normal pregnancy can last between 37 – 42 weeks and on average about 49 weeks from the first day of the last period that you had. Pregnancy can be divided into three parts known as trimesters. These three pregnancy trimesters are helpful in defining the changes that occurred that happen at the time of pregnancy.


Ovulation is the process that happens 14 days prior to the period. It happens with the release of an egg. It happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle that extends to about 28 days and it can happen later if the cycles are longer and can happen earlier for the people with shorter cycle. The egg is fertilized by sperm in any of the Fallopian tubes. You conceive when fertilized eggs travel through the tube and get implanted on the womb. Implantation occurs in about 6 days after the process of fertilization. The egg that is fertilized can grow and it is then called an embryo. The lining of the womb won’t shed when you are pregnant, this result in missing of the period and so it is called as the first symbol of pregnancy. A pregnancy test – kit can help in detecting your pregnancy from the first day of your missed period.

First Trimester

During the first trimester, changes that occur in your hormones can result in changes in your body. The first trimester is the one in which you have the symptoms of pregnancy that include frequent urination, bloating of breast, missed period and tiredness. Most of the women feel sick during the first trimester of the pregnancy. Many people come across of morning sickness which can happen at any point of the day. The cause of this condition is still not known, but this can be because of the hormones of the pregnancy. This is one such pregnancy trimesters in which women should be given much care. Simple mistakes can lead to abortion. Baby also grows quickly at the time of the first trimester in a much faster pace. The embryo is called fetus on the 12th week of pregnancy.

Second Trimester

Pregnancy starts visible at the beginning of the second trimester. The exact time at which this happens can vary from one woman to another. Second trimester is one such pregnancy trimesters in which women may feel much more comfortable and have less problems. The problems that bother you in the first trimester can vanish gradually during the second trimester. During the second trimester, the organs of your baby can get matured and skeletons can be harder. Baby can start swallowing amniotic fluid from this particular trimester and pass it through the gut. In the 19th week, baby gets the ability to hear and also gets covered with lanugo which is a fine hair.

Third Trimester

This is the time when the breast and abdomen becomes big and there are chances for you to get stretch marks too. The excess weight can also make you tired at this time. The stretch marks and the excess weight gain usually fade with the birth of the baby. The lungs of the baby gets mature during the third trimester and by 32 weeks baby gets the requires features to survive even when born premature.