Health Benefits Of Cloves

Everyone of us is aware of this medicine cum spice floral bud of Clover plant. Almost every kitchen has clove available in their spices. Its medicinal uses are known to humans since centuries. It is majorly used in Indian Ayurveda and Chinese traditional medical science. We’ll further cover about its medicinal and health benefits of Cloves.

Treatment of Nausea with help of Clove

By keeping single clove in mouth and chewing it gently will help in treating Nausea Problem.

Halitosis – Treat bad breath with Clove

Clove acts as a mouth freshener and removes the bad odor from your breaths. if you are suffering from Halitosis you must keep one clove in month and keep chewing gently 2-3 times a day, this will not only cure your bad breath problem but also keep the cavities away and improve the overall oral health.

Clove Increase the WBC count

This nature of clove increase the White Blood Corpuscles count in the blood. The WBC in our blood is responsible for antigen-antibody interaction which kills the foreign bacteria and protect our body to get diseased. By increasing in WBCs number, we increase the chance of being more healthy.

Clove act as Pain Killer

In pains like Arthralgia (Joint pain), stretched Muscles, Blood vessel contraction, etc. clove act as unbeatable medicine. In any internal pain (not on external wound) take hand full of cloves and sock it in lukewarm water overnight nest morning drain the water and make a paste of socked cloves, Apply this paste of Cloves on the affected area either way you can use the Clove Oil with any other natural oil and massage the affected area.

Cloves Increases Digestion

The clove stimulates the secretion of larva and other enzymes of the stomach which are responsible for digestion of food and hence it indirectly increase Digestion. The Clove was listed in a regular spice due to its digestion nature, fragrance and crispy taste.

Cloves for Chronic Constipation

Constipation is considered as a root of many diseases. Clove can certainly help you in giving a relief in Constipation related issues. Take one gram of Clove with 3 grams of Myrrh (Lohban) boil them 2 cup of water and stirred till it left with 1 cup of water (little thicker) and then drink by adding 2 pinch of Rock Salt. This may cause loose motion for a day, but this will be good for your intestines.

Benefit of Clove in Toothache

Applying Clove oil with cotton bud on tooth gives relief in tooth pain, you can also keep the a clove between teeth and chew it a for till it become soft then keep that on the tooth do this 2-3 times a days this will remove the Toothache or gum pain.

Treat Acute Coughing with Clove

Roast 2 pieces of Cloves on fire and crush them in powder, mix this roasted clove powder with a tablespoon of pure honey and have it 5-6 times a days. You’ll get relief in acute coughing and it may stop immediately after having 1st dose.

Although there is no side effects of natural remedies but these are just natural alternative treatments, the real cause of illness can be different you must diagnose your illness with qualified doctor in any case.