Weight Loss Tips After Pregnancy


After nine months of a grueling wait, your little bundle of joy has finally arrived. Your home is resounding with the baby’s cries and crowded by the newly turned grandmas, grandpas, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. You hardly have time to breathe, nevertheless, there is always the nagging feeling at the back of your mind about those extra kilos you need to shed.

here are some tips for which will help you losing weight after pregnancy


8 Tips To Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Getting back your svelte figure may seem an uphill task if you follow these rules it might be easier:

1. Firstly, eat healthy foods and find a balance between taking care of yourself and of everybody else.

2. Ask your doctor when you can start exercising but it is usually best for you to wait for at least 6 weeks after giving birth i.e. after your postpartum checkup.

3. Your workout routine must include cardio training for at least thrice a week. This includes walking, running, swimming or aerobics for 30 to 60 minutes.

4. Some weight lifting tones your body, since the more muscles you have the more calories your body will burn.

5. If you are breastfeeding, you need extra intake of calories, ask your doctor for a balanced diet chart. But, if you are overweight, you might not need as much calories. However, if you are not breastfeeding, begin with a well-adjusted diet of wholesome and nourishing food and never skip meals. This may only add to your problem.

6. Get hold of workout programs that are specifically planned keeping in mind breastfeeding moms who want to slim down.

7. Drink plenty of fluids.

8. Finally, do not lose hope. It may take time but results are guaranteed.

Motherhood brings new responsibilities and takes a lot of time from your life. This may not be the easiest time for you to diet and loose weight but do not be discouraged.