Winter Seasons Health Tips

Winter season in India are usually considered as a season of cold and flu. If you wish to be safe from flues and don’t want to visit doctor than it is good to opt prevention that would keep you healthy.

5 Quick Tips To Be Healthy In Winter Season

1. Intake optimal quantity of water – With the arrival of winter season it is essential to intake right amount of water to be healthy, You should drink at-least 6-8 glasses of luke warm water a day. Its best if you drink it before going to bed every night. This practice will also help you in reducing weight.

2. Consume healthy diet – One should always have healthy diet like fresh fruits, green vegetables and fewer amounts of organic meats, avoid greasy and oily food in winters.

3. Exercise regularly – No matter if you don’t have much time, only 15 minutes workout will keep you going in winters.

4. Take sufficient sleep – It is very important to sleep at least 8 hours a day. It makes you feel fresh and enhance your ability to work and mental health.

5 Stay Warm – Very very Important! Youngsters usually don’t wear proper warm clothes in winters, this can really harm and develop conjunction in chest which can cause pneumonia in older age. it is strongly suggested to wear warm clothes to cover your chest, head and feet.

These are some of the best way to stay healthy in winters.

Give your quick comments and tips to stay healthy!