Obesity is a huge challenge among us, particularly when someone is over weight, There are no shortcuts to get toned body or loosing fat but people still search for shortcuts to look slim and fat free. Nisha Verma fitness expert shared her valuable thoughts on losing weight.

“The perfect combination of diet and exercise is extremely important, eat healthy to reduce fat, exercise on maximum days in a week to tone or shape up your body”. Shared Nisha Verma.

Plan your strength training and cardio workout: If you want to loose weight you must workout at least 1 hour daily; along with this, plan your full body workout smartly e.g set 3 days for cardio exercise, 2 days for strength training.

Daily one hour of moderate exercise or workout combination with cardiovascular, strength training, flexibility, balance and stability exercises is enough for the body.

2.5 kg Dumbbells can be easily use while exercising at home.

Weekly workout plan to lose weight

Cardiovascular exercise: Walk for 30 to 40 minutes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The pace of your walk must average 6 Km/hr.

After walking do some stretching exercises, easily stretch all your body muscles, Don’t apply force while performing stretching exercises, Do what your body allows.

End up workout with relaxing exercises, always perform relaxing exercises after every workout.

Strength Training:

Body strength is equally important for workout or tasks.

Here is an e.g plan of weekly strength training: On Tuesday and Thursday practice Upper and lower body parts, Starting with Dumbbells do some light workout of biceps, triceps, four arms, shoulders, chest and back. One or two exercises can be repeated for 10 to 12 times. Initially don’t force your body to perform hard, your muscles will gradually gain strength.

3rd day lower body parts:

Third day perform workout of lower body parts (The part below the waist, thighs, buttocks, legs) Keep in mind that you should equally perform exercises of feets, heels and toes, these exercise help body to tone faster then performing only “upper body exercise”

Weekend Exercises or Weekend Workout:

Weekend Exercise can be performed on Saturday and Sunday, At the end of the week, Emphasize on yoga, aerobics, dancing etc. this helps in relaxing the body and make you feel good.

Nisha Verma, Reebok fitness trainer in New Delhi.